Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The "stomach flu" rears its' ugly head....

We have gone three whole months without the stomach flu. I thought the season had past. I became overly confident that it would not strike our house for the rest of the school year. Boy was I wrong!

Hannah was the first to get hit with it. But Hannah is a pro at this. She has had it at least once a year, and sometimes more, since she was about nine months old. When she got it this time she would just wake up, throw up in the designated bowl, and then go right back to sleep.

We hoped that she would be the only one, but alas, last night Benny started saying that "food needed to come out of his stomach". Now, Benny is a novice to this whole throwing up thing, so I thought I would be smart. I first sat him in front of the toilet on a chair and told him that is where the food needs to go. After about half an hour of waiting he was getting tired so I came up with what I thought was a very smart plan. I would lay Benny on his bed and put the bucket next to the bed. Then I laid on the other side of him so that when the time came, I would be right there to direct him so as to avoid a huge mess.
Ummmm, I wouldn't advice this........let's just say the plan backfired completely! Benny woke up about 30 minutes later, turned towards me, and just let it all out! My arm, my hair, and my clothes were the bucket! (and I thought I was so smart.....)

This is Benny enjoying a nice warm bath after the whole episode. I am glad that he feels better, because it probably goes without saying that I now have the bug, and Will has joined the club as well. And Will is handling this sickness true to form. When he needs to throw up, he runs over to me or Ray, gets taken to the sink to do his stuff, gets cleaned up, then runs off again as if nothing has happened.
Fun times!


Brooke said...

luke and i are looking at this post about poor benny together and he just said, "oh no. let's give him some candy."

hope you feel better soon! being sick while your pregs is the worst.

Russell, Aimee and Savannah said...

So can you tell the difference between prego pukey feeling and flu i'm gonna throw up?

Somehow Aimee & I managed to dodge the flu. I am usually a once a year get the flu kind of guy, but all i got this year was some cough due to cold.

Get better! And it sounds like ray is feeling left out...spread the love?

sara b said...

The love was spread to ray. He felt the love between him and the toilet all night last night!

sara b said...

I love luke's candy suggestion. It is the answer to all little boys problems!

Maureen said...

Oh no! That sounds terrible. I have no advice, because it sure seems like you know what you are doing. I would be a total mess. Benny looks like a movie star in that picture. How can he be so sick and then look so handsome? What bad timing, when you are working on your place and need to take the kids out of the house so Ray can get stuff done...and then everyone's in bed. I guess you just rent some DVD's and wait it out!

Aaron Benton said...

I'm really feeling for you guys. It seems like every family i know has gone through this at least once in the last 12 months. Here's to a swift recovery. Sorry about the puke in your hair. :(

Cheryl Benton said...

Reminds me of the weekend that Adam and I babysat the other set of "most wonderful kids in the world" on Brooke's birthday weekend. Adam and I became familiar with that "bug" in the same way it's panning out at your house!Somehow it becomes a very bonding experience for all involved, which is a hidden blessing.(OK, I know you're laughing! That's the most positive thing I can think of!)

Hope all is back to normal now.
I send my love, kisses and prayers for your family's complete wellness
from here on out.