Tuesday, September 18, 2007

YA................KICK IT!

Is there a certain song that when it comes on the radio you revert back to High School?

Mine is any Beastie Boys song. The other day my Senior class song "Fight for your Right to Party" came on the radio while I was carting my 4 kids around town. Suddenly, I am back in my red Cabriolet driving down LaCanada Blvd with my friends from High School.

I turn the radio up louder

I recline the seat back and stretch one arm out over the steering wheel and kind of slump back into my seat

I am singing to my hearts content, I know every word. One hand pounding on the steering wheel, and with the other I am air pumping my fist in the air.

My speed limit has increased at least 15 mph.

Then something snaps me out of it

I see my4 year old in the rear view mirror, pumping his fist in the air saying PAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRTTYYYYYYYYY!

I am suddenly 30 year old Sara again, mother of 4. As I slow my speed down, and bring my chair to a safer distance from the steering wheel I think, "What an inappropriate Senior Class song".

But what an awesome Senior year it was!


Rich said...

The Beastie Boys, nice choice!

I still remember sitting in a science class in High School and we started talking about Brass as a metal, and me and several other started singing Brass Monkey. Classic!

Annee said...

hang on a second Sara, I'm still wiping the tears away from my eyes as I had a trip down memory lane with you there. It's so funny, for one of my marathons I put a few of those bestie boy songs on my ipod, and like you in that very moment was trasported back to yester-year. It's great what a good song can do for you, and seriously, where did you find those pictures?! That's just too much for a day like today. Did we really look like that?! Those pics alone make me proud to be 30 (or almost)! Did you hear Nancy is pregnant?!


Cute, loved the photos of "young you". You looked great then (and of course now!).

Beastie Boys, gotta love the beat!

I think for me it was the song called "Final Countdown", I can still hear it in my head... I am not sure if it was ever big in US, but it was huge in Europe.

Brooke said...

you are so cute.

remember how scandalous it was to you and christy that aaron and i parked in senior parking?

that's the only "high school" memory i have with you... but i always tell aaron if we really were in high school together, we probably would've never have gotten married.

so i guess that's good.

Christy said...

That is the best post EVER! I am going to re-read that over and over. Just the other day I was telling someone that was our senior song and they couldn't believe it. I guess we were crazy and alive in 95. It is weird once you have kids how your persepctive changes. But those were some great times. Love the pics...kind of.

sara b said...

Annee, now I feel a bit weepy! I don't know if it is for sentimental reasons, or it is because I was such a wanabe hippie in High School it is just too much to look at the pictures! I got most of the pictures off of a collage that Christy made for me for my 21st birthday. Believe me, I was selective on what pictures I actually put on the blog because some of thme were just too embarrassing!

sara b said...

The whole senior parking thing was just too funny! It still makes me laugh today thinking about it. But to be honest, I think that I would still hesitate before parking in Senior Parking at a High School. You know, out of respect :)

Ray said...

I don't know where Sara's been hiding these pictures - I've never seen half of them before... what an awesome post. A couple of things:

-still waiting for the polka-dots to come back in style... nice. I had a sweet blue and white polka-tie that died on my mission....

-and a huge shout out to whoever was wearing the floral print pseudo-culottes - that is awesome!!!!

sara b said...

And just incase you are wondering what the senior parking incident was. Christy and I were meeting Aaron and Brooke at a High School to see Adam doing some sports thing I think. Christy and I were parking and saw that we had parked in Senior Parking so we moved our car. Then when we saw Aaron and Brooke, we joked with them that we had parked in Senior Parking. And Brooke was like, "we parked in Senior parking" And both Christy and I said together totally astonished, "YOU DID!"

Ok, maybe I shouldn't have tried to explain it......

Michelle said...

Can I just tell you I am laughing my head off right now at your post.... but also your comments!! I love the whole senior parking thing! Nobody would DARE park in Senior parking if they cared about their car! Ahhh memories. I remember Christy parking our car there (I was a Senior and she was a Junior) and some of my Senior friends gave her crap about it! She was like, "Hello! I have a sister who's a Senior." And they still told her to be careful where she parked. I'm sure! LOVE the post! -Michelle

Brooke said...

i have to keep reading this and looking at the pictures. and each time it is cracking me up.

first of all, the polka-dot picture sort of looks like your head is just super-imposed into the center of the thing... it doesn't even look attached.

and i totally remember the flowery pant/dress things. who didn't have one of those.

anyway, you are really brave to post pictures from the past.

and also (another thing), i think everyone wanted to be a hippie in high school...

i still do.

Christy said...

See I had to check this out again because I can't stop laughing at it. By the way, I went to park in our senior parking on senior ditch day because Michelle was a senior. Todd Reynolds was there and told me to move, so I did because I didn't want to see what would happen to my car. Senior parking is a big deal. And you are right, I wouldn't park there even today. I'd be too scared my tires would get slashed. That story with Brooke and Aaron is the best though. Brooke, I wish you could spend one day at our high school. You would laugh.
p.s. I want to see the other pictures on that collage. Or maybe I don't.

Unknown said...

You gotta love memories from good 'ol LC. I always try and explain to people that our high school was different. I say, "But you don't understand, our high school was totally like 90210...(AKA:Bev)"

And the Senior Song thing was just too funny. I can't believe I took things like that so seriously. But it sure helps conjure some great memories. :)

As for this post...way to go Sara! With all of the adult responsibilities we have these days like kids, work, etc...You DO have to fight for your right to party!

"L-C-H-S fight fight fight, goooooooooo SPARTANS!!!" (We all actually did this cheer at our class reunion.) *slightly pathetic*

sara b said...

You are so right. At the time I didn't really realize how different our High School was. But I guess it should have been a tip off when brand new hummers and porches were a kids first car. And that kid from the show "Home Improvement" went to our High School, Katherine Heigl was in our ward, and Paul Walker is Caleb's brother!

Brooke said...

slightly pathetic?!?!? um aaron, i'd have to say really pathetic.

Cheryl said...

Sara, Brooke, Aaron and Ray:

What fun it is to read of Sara's HS and daily experiences and then reading comments from the rest of you!

I love being related to you all! There's never a dull or unfun moment when I'm with you or reading about your experiences.

Sara, I had so much fun with your HS friends who were in YW because I became friends with their moms too. I don't remember any "Beatsie Boys" songs though, only the YW song "Hold Your Torches High"

Great memories were made for us lately "cooking up a storm" with John and Carolyn Henderson at Avril's blessing weekend. The four of us were like "keystone cops" grocery shopping together for ingredients for each of us to make our "special recipes".
( I know I used the word "fun" alot, but hey, that's the theme of our lives!)

May the fun and blessings continue!