Monday, September 10, 2007

No longer the social weirdos

After 2 and a half years of not having television.....















We finally broke down and got it installed

what have we done...


Rich said...

hahah! Instant classic! nice imitation Ray.

you guys haven't had cable for 2+ years? Have you just been using Antennae cause the Smallville jokes have been circulating for a while...

Annee said...

We were so worried about how wierd you guys were getting. Thank goodness you've taken care of that now.

sara b said...

We saw Smallville and any other shows through netflix, so we were always one year behind in any tv series. We just caught up with last season's Office and we are awaiting the sept 18th release of Smallville on DVD. (pretty sad I know).

sara b said...

hahaha! thanks for caring annee!

Christy said...

Okay, I need to send you a list of my favorite shows. I'm kidding...kind of. It was actually nice having no good shows on during the summer. I read a lot of good books. I guess I can kiss that goodbye until next summer! Bring on Premiere week!

Ray said...

It's a good thing that couch is leather because my drool would have totally stained it otherwise....

Just for the record, I haven't watched any 10-yr. old Steven Segal or Jean-Claude Van Damme reruns... yet. How can you not like Bloodsport? Glimmer Man? Above the Law?.... Come on!

Brooke said...

the problem with cable is i constantly find myself watching the same movies on late night TBS instead of going to bed.

i mean really... how many times can one watch you've got mail instead of going to bed?!

many times, apparently.

and, i love that last picture. three generations of glassy-eyed tv-watchers! that's the kind of talent you really want to leave your progeny.

Lisa and Mike Marion said...

I think we are weird for plenty of other reasons but we still don't have tv and from the dialog it sounds like I should be embarassed that I know nothing of Smallville.


Wow Sara, 2 years is a record! Congratulations on lasting that long.

BTW, Tivo has changed our lives forever...


Sorry for double-entry, how was the baby blessing? I talked to Carolyn she said it was beautiful and lots of people came by for brunch afterward. We wish we were there! I am glad it went well!

Nico, Zara and little David said...

Sara, this picture is so funny! I was laughing for a while. The faces remind me of my husband watching TV. Good job for lasting that long.