Monday, May 14, 2007

Some kids are just leash kids.....

I was always opposed to the child leash. I never understood why a parent would put their child in such a thing.........until we had Will.

How you know your child is a leash child:

When you are woken up early on a Saturday morning by a neighbor down the street returning your child and a half gallon of ice cream out of your freezer that your child has devoured.

Apparently Will woke up, climbed out of his crib, grabbed some ice cream from the fridge, opened the front door, and headed down the street in his pajamas eating ice cream with his bare hands.

(showering in the backyard, a 2 year old in his pajamas eating ice cream on the street corner at 7 am.... ya, we have made a GREAT impression with our new neighbors!)


Brooke said...

oh my gosh! that will! that's so funny!

sara b said...

I know! Can you believe Will? Remember when I used to say that our third child was so calm? Before he could walk, he was the most chill kid ever. What happened????

Brooke said...

I believe it! Luke was the best baby ever... now he is CA-HA-RAZY!

Although most of our outside/running away stories involve only nudity. Not ice cream.

Russell, Aimee and Savannah said...

Wow Sara, that is hilarious. We are all wondering how your neighbor knew he was yours, didn't you guys just move in?

I might have to try the walking down the street eating ice cream with my hands though, that part sounds like fun!

sara b said...

Everyone on the street knows that Will is ours. He randomly picks houses to run up to and ring their doorbell a million times before I can catch him. (I am a bit slow these days, my belly takes all my sources of energy, strength, brain power, etc)

It would be cool to just grab a bucket of ice cream, go for a nice stroll and just chow down! haha

Unknown said...

That's crazy! That little Will! I wonder how long it too his little brain to map out that plan. Keep him on a tight leash, that's for sure!

Christy said...

Seriously, I used to be against leashes also. Although I am holding back from getting one for Avery, I will never judge again. You don't know what it is like until you have a child that RUNS! Your fourth has to be calm...right? That is what I am hoping for my third. We'll see.

Annee said...

I just need them to invent the double leash! I swear if it's out there, I should buy the stock. I'm with Christy, I will never judge again. We make such a spectacle anywhere we go. Yesterday at Marshall's some random lady in her workout clothes went running after Jane who had left the store entierly. I guess she thought she could get to her faster than me, in her workout clothes and all. I swear I would have gone after her!

The Bowes said...

Sara and Ray! How are things? Angela and I laughed alot when we read that you shower outside. Oh well, what do you do? We want to add you to our blog:

Aaron Benton said...

Hey, Will was just making his rounds announcing his greetings to the new neighborhood. "Hi. I'm will Henderson. Want to lick some ice cream off my hand? And later, we can all go in my back yard and get hosed off by my dad." I'm sure he impressed, at least, a few of the stray cats and dogs in the new hood.

sara b said...

Annee and Christy, I am glad that I am not the only one who has a new perspective of the child leash. And Annee, oh how I can relate to that scenario in the store!

Perry, good to hear from you guys! I will add your blog to mine. I am excited to be extending the network!

And Aaron, oh you know will too well to lump him in with stray cats and dogs!

Lisa and Mike Marion said...

Annee passed your blog address on to me. Fun to see your cute family. I am cracking up at Will. Unfortunately, I can relate to the child that never ceases to amaze. I still have not bought a leash, but I wish I would have about two years ago. Last week my three year old Lucas locked our neighbors out of their own house.
I would like to add you to my blog page