Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A Broken Friendship



Dear ATM Machine,

I remember the day I first met you.  It was about a year ago. The old ATM was gone and you stood shining in it’s place.  The bankers were standing eagerly next to you, excited to introduce us.  They explained to me how awesome our relationship was going to be.  You were going to take pictures of my checks, and add up the totals.  No more messing with deposit slips and envelopes.  They boasted of your ability to take 10 checks at a time.  I was impressed, and so excited for the amount of time you were going to save me.

Well, today you made me look like an IDIOT!  You ate my checks, and when I told on you, the same people who just a short year ago boasted of your abilities, now looked at me like I was so naïve to trust you.  They questioned why I wouldn’t take pictures of my checks before feeding them to you, or know the exact total before handing them over to you.  You made me look like a FOOL! Gone are the days of a trusting friendship where I happily fed you checks without a second thought!  You have forced me to be the psychotic friend. Every encounter of ours will be saturated with photos, calculations, and mistrust.  Our interactions will forever be left with lingering questions in my head of, “did the ATM really take my checks, OR JUST EAT THEM”.

Your now paranoid frenemy,




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