Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Botched Haircut

It all started with just a pair of scissors. Everything was going great. His hair was finally out of his eyes. Then I got a little braver. I pulled out the clippers. I started out with just a few passes around the ears. Then graduated to the top of his head. (Which I am now told is not what you want to do) Anyways, the end result is not pretty............................











It's kind of a cross between Barry Manilow and a newly hatched bird


Russell, Aimee and Savannah said...

That is hilarious. The only time i ever let Aimee cut my hair is when i want it buzzed :) But that was a pretty accurate description of what his hair looks like. Maybe it is a good thing, Barry is the man!

Rich said...

I love Will's expressions. And, the hair cut looks pretty good from here. I'm sure he's the cat's meow to the playgroup girls...

Beach Hendersons said...

It's okay sara...you're braver than I am...cause I only use the clippers to buzz lukas' hair. I tried the scissors once, and when I stepped back to ananlyze the progress he had very oddly shaped sides..so I decided to stop.

We've gotten brave w/others in our household. Our regular groomer left...and I was being forced to take CeeCee to a different groomer..but here on the obx that means paying near 80 bucks and it might not be quite what you want...SO...we decided to take up proffessional dog grooming at home....after about 3 hours and hair everywhere she looks pretty good...

When are you due by the way?

Brooke said...


what happens next?

Nico, Zara and little David said...

that is so funny Sara!!!!!!!
no one in my family would let me touch their hair. it would turn out horrible if I would touch it. I tried once to cut my dad's hair and good thing my neighbour stopped me on time :)

sara b said...

I am due in about a week. I was given 3 different due dates ranging from the 4th to the 8th.

Russ, I am glad you think Barry is the man because the more I look at that picture of him, it looks a little too much like Will :)

I am not sure what our next step is. I don't think a barber can really fix it, so maybe a buzz??

http://www.hendersonyan.blogspot.com/ said...

That's so funny Sara! That's one job I refuse to do. I remember when we were first married I cut Randall's hair. Yea, we were eating that hair for two weeks in our food! Maybe now that we'll have a yard for the 1st time in 7 years, I will give it another attempt.

Just buzz him off for the summer, he will love that!