Sunday, January 31, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

On December 23, 2009 Ray and I celebrated our 11 year wedding anniversary! To celebrate we thought it would be fun to fish out the old wedding dress from the garage and recreate some of our wedding pictures.

The Bride with the classic hand to face pose.

Hannah needed a picture with the Bride.

And in order to make the re-enactment as accurate as possible we of course had to get Ray some hair!

As soon as I was getting the last of my "get up" on I said to Ray, "watch someone is going to ring the doorbell right now to carol us" And just then the doorbell rang! It was our friends dropping off some christmas treats! I hid in the hall, too embarrassed to come out. I called them after to explain why I couldn't come to the door, and then I had to explain that I wasn't PSYCHO!
Happy Anniversary Ray! From your only slightly psycho wife!