Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Joy of having Granny and Pa Visit

At the beginning of the school year, we had the blessing of having Granny and Pa visit for THREE WHOLE WEEKS!  It was wonderful!  On top of how fun it was to have them in town, the boys were thrilled that Pa did their garbage duty every day for them.  I told the boys they needed to bake Pa his favorite pie for doing their chores for them. 


When Granny and Pa left, Benny and Will didn’t know what to do.  Benny actually texted Pa, begging him to come back because I had just asked him to take out the trash.

**Note how you can see your reflection in the counter top.  Or how the rug in the back is clutter free and vacuumed…… Ya, it doesn’t look like that anymore.

We love and miss you guys!  (Not just because the house was clean either!)

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